Left Behind with the Children

Since Oct 7th, Israel has been hit very hard by terrorist attacks. Our ministers in Jerusalem went to some of the places where the rockets fired by Hamas. Sarah has two children 5 and 7. Her husband Benny went to the border of Lebanon because the IDF called him to...

Israel Under Attack

  Donations will be urgently needed for the many Ethiopian Jews in Rehovot, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Tel Aviv areas and all those around the Gaza area. With already over 300 dead and the numbers climbing, for now we are zeroing in on the single mothers, elderly, wounded...

Blessings from Heaven

“No one shall appear before me empty-handed” (Exodus 34:20) Shalom Mishpocha, The appointed time of God’s feast days is very important because each year God has a special favor to release from heaven to His people.  We are about to enter the...

God Gives Us Strength

“Yeshua is the same Yesterday Today and Forever” (Hebrews 13:8.) Hebrews 13:8 was the verse that kept her going: Shalom Mishpocha, As most of you know Sudan has been in the middle of a civil war for the last four months.  Over a million Sudanese have fled...