Cattle Project


But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. Hebrews 13:16

The majority of the Beta Israel community lived for decades in very remote areas, so they’re main work was always agriculture and raising cattle.

When they left their village due to Civil War, they lost all of what they had.  In the cities they escaped to, like Gondar and Addis Ababa, they couldn’t find work or a place to live.

Most of them, including women, tried to do labor work.  But it is very hard for them to make a living with the labor, especially women.

So HIIM provides animals to give them hope and a means of living for their family.

HIIM purchased a plot of land to start a livestock program and help the Beta Israel.  This gives them work, as well as different animals to own through training.

To purchase one cow $1000-1200
To purchase one ox $1000-1500
To purchase one goat $500-700
To purchase one sheep $500-800

One year of food for one animal costs $1000. This program is a great help, especially for the Beta Israel women and the elderly.  

Our goal is to teach them how to “catch fish instead of giving them fish”.

Please stand with us and help us to make a difference and do the mitzvah of Yeshua! Matt.25:31-40



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