Ambachew Needs Prayer

Ambachew Needs Prayer

 Ambachew is one of the messianic leaders of the underground congregations in the Wollo region. He was a teacher for a local elementary school near Desse City. 3 years ago, when the War broke out between Tigris region and the government forces, the school closed and...
Girma and Aseged Need Prayer

Girma and Aseged Need Prayer

Girma and Aseged have been married for the last 20 years. They had one son living with them in Tumet (one of the borders of Sudan). Their son Hailu was 18 and helping his sick father to farm their small land. Last year, when the rebel group started war with Sudanese...


Ayeches is a 56-year-old widow with two teenagers.  She is from Chilga village which is near to the border of Sudan.  For the last two years, Sudan attacked the border of Ethiopia and killed many Ethiopian farmers who were working nearby.  Abebe, her late husband, was...


Begashaw is a single man from a Beta Israel family living in Humera village. He left Quara 10 years ago because of war and terrorism from surrounding people. He was working as a blacksmith until two years ago, when the civl war erupted. He was caught in crossfire and...