A Natural Born Healer

A Natural Born Healer

Eshe is 36-year-old woman from the Beta Israel community in Ethiopia. Growing up, she witnessed so much suffering in her village from malnutrition and sicknesses from dirty water. She knew from an early age she wanted to become a doctor or nurse when she grew up to...
Shegaw’s Journey Home

Shegaw’s Journey Home

Shegaw’s journey has been a remarkable one. He hails from one of the Beta Israel families and was born in Sudan in 1997. Growing up in Amrakuba near Gedaref City, he faced adversity early on when his father passed away from Malaria when he was just 10 years old....
Workie is One of Many

Workie is One of Many

Workie was living a village of Merawi near to Bahir Dar City in the Gojjam region. Her parents are one of the Falash Mura families left over in Ethiopia. Her father wanted to make Aliyah to live in Beersheba. He encouraged Workie to go to Gondar to register in the...