Shegaw’s Journey Home

Shegaw’s Journey Home

Shegaw’s journey has been a remarkable one. He hails from one of the Beta Israel families and was born in Sudan in 1997. Growing up in Amrakuba near Gedaref City, he faced adversity early on when his father passed away from Malaria when he was just 10 years old....
Workie is One of Many

Workie is One of Many

Workie was living a village of Merawi near to Bahir Dar City in the Gojjam region. Her parents are one of the Falash Mura families left over in Ethiopia. Her father wanted to make Aliyah to live in Beersheba. He encouraged Workie to go to Gondar to register in the...
Ambachew Needs Prayer

Ambachew Needs Prayer

 Ambachew is one of the messianic leaders of the underground congregations in the Wollo region. He was a teacher for a local elementary school near Desse City. 3 years ago, when the War broke out between Tigris region and the government forces, the school closed and...


Begashaw is a single man from a Beta Israel family living in Humera village. He left Quara 10 years ago because of war and terrorism from surrounding people. He was working as a blacksmith until two years ago, when the civl war erupted. He was caught in crossfire and...
Passover Projects for the Beta Israel

Passover Projects for the Beta Israel

Passover is one of the most sacred Jewish holidays and the Beta Israel take celebrating very seriously. The holidays are difficult for them because funds and resources are scarce. Especially during times of war, celebrating means serious sacrifice, throughout the...