Workenesh is in her 30s and has 3 young children aged 2,4,7. Her husband Mule is a cab driver in Jerusalem. He is the source of income for the family. But on October 7, terrorists attacked and all the reserves were called up. Mule is one of those 330,000 reserves soldiers. He is stationed in northern Israel near the Lebanese border.

Workenesh is facing tremendous challenges to raise these young children by herself. It is very hard to go grocery shopping and take care of the day to day necessities because she receives limited funds from the government. This makes it all the more challenging to provide food and the childrens’ needs like diapors, etc.

The House of Israel, coordinating with its’ Amud HaEsh congregation in Jerusalem, is able to support Worknesh’s family on daily basis. On top of that, the congregation’s women voluntarily help Workenesh to keep the children when she needs care for them.

Workenesh thanks us very much and praises the Lord for the provision of God through HIIM and all of YOU. She is very grateful and happy that her children are safe and their needs are able to being met. Her husband Mule also calls them and facetimes them now more and more, so they are happy to see their father even if it’s just on facetime. Thank you, supporters, for your generosity and love to our people. Be blessed.