Fentaye is a 19-year-old Beta Israel girl from the Ambober Jewish village.

She is the only daughter from the families there. Her father, Tesfaye, left her mother, Debritu, and her when she was 4. He left them to go to Sudan with the hope of going to Israel through Sudan. Unfortunately, for almost 15 years no information was sent back to them about him.

Fentaye moved to Gondar City with Debritu 10 years ago. They got registered in the Israel Agency in Gondar as having a legitimate right to make Aliyah.

Unfortunately, after a decade of waiting to make Aliyah, nothing has happened. So, both of them work daily hard labor to survive. Last year, Fentaye had an unknown illness and suffered tremendously without medical attention.

Last month, our team heard about her situation and took her to a private clinic that diagnosed her chronic disease and started her treatment.  She is now starting to walk, and her overall condition is better.

She appreciates our assistance deeply and knows it is the Lord’s miraculous healing. Now she is in a better spirit emotionally and a better condition physically.

Please keep her and her mother in prayer that they will be able to make Aliyah soon.  Thank you for your support that made her healing journey a possibility!