Agedew is 22 years old and has been waiting for 5 years in Gondar to make Aliyah to Israel.
His family was from Quara village near the Sudan Border. They moved from their village 7 years ago to Gondar city to register in the Israel consular, in order to go to Israel as Falash Mura.
Unfortunately, their dream didn’t come through and both parents passed away the last two years with unknown diseases. Agedew was left alone and tried to survive by working as a daily laborer.
When the war started he joined the Fano, the rebel group to fight with the government force. Last month when the war came to Gondar City, he fought against the government force. Then the first 3 days of the war, he injured, and almost lost, his right leg. The local clinic gave him first aid and stopped the bleeding of his leg. One of our members heard about Agedew and took him secretly to Bahir Dar hospital for further treatment.