23-year-old Shahe is a medical student in her 2nd year in Debre Tavor University. She grew up in Gondar City.

She was raised by her mother after her father died from the HIV virus. Her mother miraculously survived HIV with the help of medical attention.

Even in high school, Shahe was a very determined, intelligent student. That led her to attend Debre Tabor University with good results. Debebe Tabor city is 150km away from her hometown.

In August, when the school year ended, she was decided to go to Gondar City to spend time with her mother for the entire school break.  But, in the middle of the journey, her minibus came under attack. Shashe was abducted by unknown armed forces with other 5 students.

She was almost killed by the abductor because she refused to go with them. Her mother was devastated when she heard the news.  She was desperate to find her daughter for weeks.  Every Beta Yisrael community who knew Shahe was praying intensely to the God of Abraham for her safe return.

After being held captive for a month, they managed to run away from their abductors. They were miraculously found by police and now she is united with her mother.

Our team in Gondar City supports her family with medical and financial assistance. Even though the war still continues in the surrounding area of Gondar, they are in a safe place for the time being.

There are many similar stories coming to us every day, because the situations in the small villages are out of control. HIIM is able to assist these families, thanks to your support.   No school or universities have resumed because of war. The Beta Israels in the Gondar area need your prayers for miracles that the Lord will open doors to make Aliyah to Eretz Israel.

Bless you and thank you!