Adanech is a 67 years old widow in Gondar City (in the Northern part of Ethiopia). She originally came to Gondar from Quara village 15 years ago, hoping to go to Israel.
She registered in Israel as Falash Mura Jewish. But unfortunately, after a year waiting to make Aliyah, nothing happened with her case.
Last month, her humble hut was hit with a bullet in crossfire during the war between government troops and the rebels. Adanech lost everything and was left with nothing. Our team on the ground stepped up and helped her to rebuild her hut and also provided her with a Rosh Hashana gift to celebrate the feasts.
Because of our teams’ love, she gave her life to the Lord Yeshua and became a believer. Thank YOU for your generosity.
We make a difference in the lives of those forgotten Jewish in Ethiopia Gondar. Blessings and Shana Tova for you and your families.